The purpose of Pink Meth, a notorious ”revenge porn” site, is not just to share photographs of naked women that have been obtained without their consent. It’s to destroy their lives and reputations. The pictures, submitted by anonymous users, typically include a woman’s full name, e-mail address and screen shots of her Facebook profile. Commenters crowdsource the contact information for the woman’s family, friends, bosses and colleagues, then revel in sending the pictures to them. If she’s a member of a church or synagogue, the pictures will go out to her clergy, as well as others in the congregation. The users plot to make sure that the photos appear at the top of any Google searches of the woman’s name. “I’m hoping this goes on for months and years and people keep on sending the slut pictures to everyone she knows again and again,” wrote a user on one recent thread. “It would be so awesome if someone had set it up to record her on Skype as she was having all this happen and see her cry.”